The dedicated support community of HPR is a group of individuals committed to providing support to the school in all areas. They play an important role in ensuring that the school has the necessary resources to perform at all levels. The supporters club is made up of parents, alumni and local business leaders who are passionate about the school and its mission. They work with the school administration to raise funds through various events, campaigns and donations. The funds raised by the supporters' club are used to support a variety of initiatives, including academic programs, extracurricular activities and building projects.
Overall, the dedicated financial support club is an important part of the school and plays a crucial role in ensuring that the school can continue to provide learners with an excellent education.
Contact the club's management for any membership and donation enquiries.
Sarel Nieuwenhuizen - 0826809198
Anke Hiesterman - 0824666832
Norman Weber - 0828516350
Kurt Stock - 0828720586
Melanie van der Merwe - 0724695531
Carike Paul - 0828172222