Mr A Schlebusch turning the first spade of soil in historical moment for HPR-Astro hockey field.
The groundbreaking of the Astro Hockey field was performed by Mr Albert Schlebusch, acting principal, and Mr Gert Erasmus, the chairperson of the Governing Council. This major project originated in the hearts of caring parents, talented hockey players and dedicated hockey coaches.
The Astro project was launched on 1 September 2023 during a prestige gathering of the HPR supporters Club. During the budget meeting in November 2023, the final permission was granted to launch the project when a convincing majority of parents pledged their full support to the project. The quality of the field is certified and is of a high standard and ideal for school hockey. The court type was specifically chosen so that could be a water-based field if it needs to be. At present our need is to go sand-based.
We welcome the TROMPIE group and look forward to seeing them working on our site every day for the next 4 months.

Feel free to check out our Facebook page for more photos of this historic event.