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Uitvoerende Raad van Hoërskool Piet Retief vir 2018

Eerstens wil ons net die nuut-verkose Uitvoerende Raad van Hoërskool Piet Retief vir 2018 gelukwens met hul verkiesing tot die leierskap korps. In besonder ook geluk aan ons nuwe hoofleiers: Hoofseun Udo Böhmer en Hoofmeisie Marli Luyt. The deputy headboys are: Joshua Kritzinger, Mfihla Phakathi, and Tiaan van Aardt. The deputy headgirls are Judhi Rens, Lara Jonker and Andrea Beneke

Ons wil hulle ook sterkte toewens vir die jaar wat voorlê. Ons glo dit gaan ‘n jaar van talle hoogtepunte maar ook uitdagings wees. Ons het egter volle vertroue in hulle. Geluk en sterkte aan al die betrokke ouers wat ook nou ‘n groter ondersteunende rol gaan vervul. You must be so proud of your children that are reflecting the good upbringing you gave them!

They have already defined themselves as a group that is willing to work together to achieve their goals. This was confirmed during the leadership camp this weekend at Kwasinungu, Volksrust. They were confronted with various challenges and each time they revealed good character and team cohesiveness.

Remember: If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, you are a leader – John Quincy Adams


Ry 1: Andrea Beneke, Judhi Rens, Lara Jonker, Marli Luyt, Udo Böhmer, Mfikhlakalo Phakati, Joshua Kritzinger, Tiaan van Aardt

Ry 2: Amelia Masango, Sipho Mangonde, Arnau Nolan, Alistair Moyo, Archibald Moyo, Andile Bhande, Sophie Greyling, Phiwo Nyawo, Ian Bouwer

Ry 3: Mnr J. Malan, Zuneldi Labuschagne, Amy Ballantyne, Lienkie du Toit, Philasande Zulu, Sithabiso Zwane, Lounay Fraser, Johara Rahim, Mnr J. du Toit

Ry 4: Nicola Beneke, Willem Hendriks, Joshua devenish, Werner Lilje, Rebecca Ries, Bennett Davies, Mhlengi Dlamini

Ry 5: Dylan Baldwin, Coenraad Stapelberg, Mev I. Botha, Bandza Khoza

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