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Donderdagmiddag, 24 Augustus, is van die Landsdiens lede na die bruggie in Smit Straat om vullis op te ruim, gewapen met handskoene en swart sakke.

Wat ‘n gemors het ons daar aangetref! Dit lyk of mense spesiaal by die bruggie stop en vullis in die rivier gooi. How much of an effort is it to wait until you are home and then dispose of it safely?

While we were picking up this mess, we were discussing this filthy habit that people have. Everyone likes to look at a pristine part of nature, so why throw your rubbish there? Maybe people have a misconception that other are paid to pick up your mess. This is nonsense. Those people, who by the way do not pick up garbage in the rivers and parks of our town, could be used in more productive jobs, like eradicating foreign plants that over use our water supplies.

Ons land is ‘n droeë land waar elke bietjie water opgepas moet word asof ons lewens daarvan afhang, want dit doen!

Welgedaan, Landsdieners.

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