Dear Parent/ Guardian
Herewith we confirm that we were informed on Monday, 8 March 2021 that one of our learners tested positive for Covid-19. The school immediately contacted the Health Department’s Covid-19 response team for advice regarding guidelines we need to follow. The Department of health advised that learners who had been in close contact with the positive learner be in self-isolation until such time as the Department of Health has tested them. These results are not yet available.
The School’s management team acted pro-actively and has asked any learner with Covid-19 symptoms to self-isolate. Several of those learners have had themselves tested. Results of some of these tests have been NEGATIVE, however not all of the test results have been released.
The School’s Management team has, for the sake of every learner and educator, made the decision to close the school on 10 March 2021 for deep sanitizing. The school will re-open on Monday, 15 March 2021.
The Department of health has furthermore drawn attention to the fact that learners that have symptoms may not return to school:
1. Until isolation period has been followed;
2. Learner with symptoms has been tested for Covid-19 and the Negative result submitted at the office.
It is of utmost importance to know and rest assured that the management of the school has been in close contact with the Department of Health and the Covid-19 Response team, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Parents must please refrain from any comments on social media that can lead to panic and are not factual.
The school would never willingly endanger any student or educator, and has everybody’s best interest at heart.
The Department of Health will be available at the school on Thursday, 10 March 2021 from 09:00 to 10:00 for testing learners with symptoms.
Yours faithfully
Geagte ouer/ voog
Hiermee bevestig ons dat ons op Maandag, 8 Maart 2021, in kennis gestel is dat een van ons leerders positief getoets het vir Covid-19. Die skool het dadelik die Departement van Gesondheid se Covid-19 reaksiespan vir advies, rondom riglyne wat ons moet volg, gekontak. Die Departement van Gesondheid het adviseer dat leerders wat in noue kontak met die positiewe leerder was, dadelik in isolasie moet gaan, nadat die Departement van Gesondheid hulle getoets het. Hierdie toetsuitslae is nog nie bekend nie.
Die skool se bestuurspan as pro-aktiewe optrede het leerders met enige Covid-19 simptome gevra om self te isoleer. Verskeie van daardie leerders het hulle laat toets. Van die uitslae van hierdie toetse wat reeds ontvang is, is negatief. Baie uitslae is egter steeds nie beskikbaar nie.
Die skool se bestuurspan het in die beste belang van elke leerder en onderwyser die besluit geneem om die skool vanaf 10 Maart 2021 te sluit vir diepreiniging. Die skool sal weer he
ropen op Maandag, 15 Maart 2021.
Dit is verder deur die Departement van Gesondheid onder ons aandag gebring dat leerders met enige Covid-19 simptome nie mag terugkom skool toe nie,
1. Todat ‘n isolasietydperk gevolg is;
2. of leerder vir Covid-19 getoets word en uitslae van die negatiewe toets ingehandig word.
Die Departement van Gesondheid sal toetse doen Donderdag oggend, 11 Maart 2021 vanaf 09:00 tot 10:00, vir leerders wat simptome toon.
Ditis van uiterste belang om te verstaan dat die bestuur van die skool reeds van die begin van die Covid-19 pandem
ie in noue verbinding met die Departement van Gesondheid, en hulle Covid-19 reaksiespan, is. Ouers moet hulle asseblief weerhou van enige kommentaar op sosiale media wat onnodig paniek saai met ongegronde feite.
Die skool sal nooit die lewe van ons leerders of onderwysers bewustellik in gevaar stel nie.
Die uwe